The eighth annual Brain Bolt 5K run/walk/wheel was held on October 7, 2023. This event benefits the Neurosurgery Foundation at Goodman Campbell and their work to research, treat and care for patients with traumatic brain and spine injuries.
The event was geared towards people of all ages and abilities – with a special course designed just for TBI survivors with mobility issues.
Villa Licci was present at the event through sponsorship and manning a booth with information about our mission and vision to serve TBI survivors. Many of the survivors who participated are potential future residents of Villa Licci and active in the support groups around the area.
Other informational booths included GCBS’ MEGA Brain – an inflatable, interactive, walk-through exhibit, as well as specialists from throughout the region educating attendees on various TBI-related issues, including prevention and treatment.
Below are two photos from this wonderful event!